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Green Beacon Brewing Co. | 26 Helen Street, TENERIFFE QLD 4006

We happened to be in the neighbourhood of Teneriffe this morning, so before we headed back into the city, we decided to make a quick stopover at Green Beacon Brewing Co. and get some freshly brewed beer to take away.

In case if you haven't heard about Green Beacon Brewing Co., it's a craft brewing joint that opened at the beginning of this year.

We brought home a 1L bottle of one of their mid-strength pale ale ($25: $10 for the bottle and $15 for the golden coloured liquid) and the beer was well received by the family.

I can see this place being perfect for a night out for the other travel bunnie.

Total Bunnie Dollars Spent: $25.

Green Beacon Brewing Co on Urbanspoon

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