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Fulacht Fiadh - A Bronze Age Cooking Demonstration on Friday night in Waterford City

A Fulacht Fia was the ancient field kitchen of the Fianna, the legendary soldiers of the High Kings of Ireland. The Irish word "fulacht" denotes a pit used for cooking. "Fiadh or Fia" which means "of the deer" or "of the wild", may be derived from the early word "fian" - "of the Fianna (or Fionn Mac Cumhail).

Hunting parties used these cooking pits from the early Bronze Age up to the Elizabethan period!

It is also believed that Bronze Age Irish clans came together at Samhain and Beltaine (May Day) and Samhain (October, Celtic New Year) to meet up and celebrate the Summer & Winter Solstices. At these gatherings Irish wild Deer would be killed, cooked & shared among the families of the clans.

A rectangular trench, a metre wide by 2 metres long and maybe half a metre or more in depth, was dug in low-lying land where it would quickly fill with water. This was clad on the four sides with wooden sections. Stones heated on the fire were then used to boil the water in the wooden trough.

The joint of venison, or other meat, was wrapped in straw (sugan - like the straw ropes) and put into the simmering water until cooked. The meat would have been quite tender as technically they were Slow Braising the meat in exactly the same way the we do now with our Irish Lamb Shanks!

On Friday Night / Saturday Morning you can step back in time to a Bronze Age Cooking Demonstration as the organisers of the Waterford Harvest Festival are doing a historical recreation of a Fulacht Fiadh cooking pit. The local Scout Club, with the help of The Druid Chef, Rory Morahan, the Fulacht Fia will be used to cook up some ancient Celtic recipes for all to see, smell and taste.

It promises to be a real experience not to be missed for anyone with an interest in Irish History and food! Ballybricken Green, in Waterford City, will be the place to witness this millennia old tradition taking place.
Venue: Ballybricken Green

Date: Friday September 14
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Fulacht Fia Experience

And then on Saturday Morning the Scouts & Chefs group will be dishing up the cooked meat for all to enjoy. There will be talks, music and fun for all the family!
Venue: Ballybricken Green

Date: Saturday September 15
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


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