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The Funniest Game Of Mini Golf Ever!!!

This week I am volunteering with my church's VBS. I am leading Science experiments for around 60 4 & 5 year olds in four sessions. It is E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-N-G. Seriously. I will write more about it eventually but for now I will share a few more Saskatchewan stories.

On Saturday we decided to escape to the city, where the mosquitoes were less awful, and play some mini golf, since Sam had been looking forward to it for months. I have never laughed so hard at a game of golf in my life. I could barely take pictures. Sam and Dad played, as did Rachel (for free, thankfully!), and the 18-hole game took about 20 minutes as there was no one else playing. It was so fast! Rachel would hit the ball once (maybe), then pick it up, drop it in the hole, shout "Yay!" and march off to the next hole. Sam wanted to be the goalie and would try to hit my dad's ball away from the hole with his club. Dad, I think, was attempting to play semi-seriously. It was so funny! At the end of the game Sam said, "I am a good golfer but this was a hard course!" Dad won a free round on the last hole so we ended up going back after lunch so Sam could play again. I played with him this time, as did Rachel. Since the course was really crowded the second game took about an hour.

I also included a few pictures of the amazing landscaping because some of the colours of flowers and plants they mixed were amazing, and I wanted to remember them. I might attempt to re-create some of them next summer in Our. Very. Own. Yard!!!

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